Monday, November 22, 2010

Lunch, a snack, and a few thoughts...

Here we have a basic, yet yummy lunch for tomorrow:

In the large compartment: raisins, 3 homemade sugar cookies, hidden down low is 2 skewers with low fat mozzarella and colby-jack cheese, pretzel sticks, and a cherry fruit leather with a mango fruit leather butterfly inside. In the medium compartment: bread and butter butterfly bites (say that 3 times fast!) In the small compartment: natural applesauce.

And my after school snack, which usually ends up being most of my supper:
A mango fruit leather with a cherry fruit leather butterfly inside, raisins, sugar cookies, mozzarella and colby-jack cheese, natural applesauce and pretzel sticks. Basically my lunch repeated, minus the bread.


A thought on school lunch prices:
When I first started teaching, I chose to eat hot lunch fairly often. It was easy and convenient, and, I thought, fairly reasonable when it comes to cost. As I have been getting more and more involved in the bento-making world, I am realizing how wrong I was, at least in the cost department.

School lunch costs $3.00 for adults. This includes your entree, a side such as a potato or rice, a fruit, a hot vegetable, raw veggies with dip, milk and either bread or dessert (I know, compared to most lunch programs, we have it made.) However, due to my stomach condition and the fact that I am an admittedly picky eater, I would usually only take the entree, side, sometimes the fruit (if it was applesauce or dried cherries) or the hot veggie (if it was corn or beans) and usually the bread or dessert. This meant that sometimes all I was eating was meat, potatoes and bread. No wonder I have a hard time losing weight! if you are a less constricted eater, your $3.00 really does get you quite a lot. For me, though, I can pack my own lunch for much less, and include healthy options that are both good for my stomach and make me feel great. Let's see what tomorrow's lunch will cost me:

2 slices of bread = $0.10
Country Crock for bread = $0.05
Applesauce = $0.20
Fruit Leather = $0.36
Cheese = $0.30
Cookies = $0.30 (a guess based on ingredients)
Pretzels = $0.10
Raisins = $0.12
8oz fruit juice = $0.28

I figured these prices based on serving size and my grocery receipts.

Aaand, tomorrow's grand total for lunch = $1.81

I find it interesting that the most expensive part was the only processed/packaged food.

So... I am no mathematician, but lets do a little figuring here:
I eat lunch at school every day.
There are 180 school days each school year.
Eating hot lunch would cost me $3.00 x 180 days = $540 per year to eat lunch.
If I pack lunches and they cost $1.81 per day (I know some days will be more, but some will be much less, so we will go with this figure as an average)
Packing lunches at $1.81 x 180 days = $325.80

Meaning that I will save $214.20 per year.

In my world, that's an awful lot of money.

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